Highpoint Terrace in the Snow Part 2

Got out the day after our awesome snowstorm and did 6 miles around the neighborhood capturing all the wonderful landscapes. Black and White photos taken with Fuji X100 and everything else is iPhone 12 Pro.

Highpoint Terrace in the Snow

We are in the middle of a once in a lifetime snow event here in Memphis. Around 8” of snow is on the ground and I love it. So I took my Fuji X100 that I have dedicated to a black and white camera and took it around the neighborhood to get some shots in the sun and snow.

The National

My fandom for The National came late in 2013 after I heard them live at The Ryman in Nashville. I had heard some songs and was definitely aware of them but something at that show clicked and I have been a big fan ever since. I can confidently say they are now my favorite band and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't hear at least one of their songs.

I was very fortunate to be adjacent to three of their shows in Columbus, Indianapolis and Chicago on their tour for the new album I Am Easy to Find. So I went to all 3 (4 shows if you count the secret show in Chicago at Revival) and brought my camera. What a great time and you can find some of my favorites below.

All photos taken with a Ricoh GR III point & shoot